The Constitution and the courts of the United States
The heart and soul of the Constitution : freedom of expression
All the news fit to print at school : freedom of the student press
Public schools and religion under the Constitution
The Fourth Amendment : searches of students and their belongings
Discipline and punishment : due process and the Eighth Amendment
Equal protection : drawing lines by race, wealth, gender, citizenship, and sexual orientation
Harassment in the halls : sexual harassment and bullying at school
The health of the student body : disability, privacy, pregnancy, and sexuality.
The Constitution and the courts of the United States
The heart and soul of the Constitution : the First Amendment and freedom of expression
All the news the school sees fit to print : freedom of the student press
Should public schools get religion? : striking the right church-state balance on campus
The Fourth Amendment : searches of students and their belongings
Discipline and punishment : due process and the Eighth Amendment
Equal protection and the constitutional struggle for integrated schools
Harassment in the halls : sexual harassment on campus
Privacy, sexuality, and the Fourteenth Amendment
Supreme Court confirmation exercise : you be the judge!